Álvaro specializes in the areas of civil and commercial law, tax law, customs and energy law. He has been partner at Aylwin Abogados since 1995, and is a founding partner at Aylwin Mendoza Luksic & Valencia. Previously, he has been chief attorney at the Tax Department in Deloitte Touche Chile, during the nineties. He has been attorney, Director and Legal Counsel at Peugeot Chile S.A. and Automotores Franco Chilena S.A. He has been counselor at the COPEC Group in Chile, through one of its companies, Celarauco. During his professional practice and expertise, he has been the adviser of many companies in the mining, energy and electricity areas. Currently, he is Director and Executive Vice-president at Ingeniería Civil Vicente S.A. (ICV S.A.), a mayor mining and civil constructions company based on Chile. Álvaro heads our Commercial and Corporate Law department.